BBCode (Bulletin Board Code) is a popular yet simple markup language, much like basic HTML in the way that it helps you format text, for example making them bold, italicized or adding links, images etc.
Below is the list of all the tags we currently support:
1. [b]boldtext[/b]
2. [i]italicstext[/i]
3. [u]underlinetext[/u]
4. [s]strikethroughtext [/s]
5. [sub]subscripttext[/sub]
6. [sup]superscripttext[/sup]
7. [align=left/center/right]alignedtext[/align]
8. [font=Arial]textusingArialfont[/font]
9.I [url]link url[/url]
9.II [url=link url]Example[/url]
10.I [img]link image[ / i m g ]
10.II [imga=alttext]link image[/img]
11. [quote]quotedtext[/quote]
12. [code]monospaced text[/code]
13. [size=15]largetext[/size]
14.I [color=red]redtext[/color]
14.II [color=#FF0000]redtext[/color]– Using hexadecimal value for color
Sumber : Mywapblog
Below is the list of all the tags we currently support:
1. [b]boldtext[/b]
2. [i]italicstext[/i]
3. [u]underlinetext[/u]
4. [s]strikethroughtext [/s]
5. [sub]subscripttext[/sub]
6. [sup]superscripttext[/sup]
7. [align=left/center/right]alignedtext[/align]
8. [font=Arial]textusingArialfont[/font]
9.I [url]link url[/url]
9.II [url=link url]Example[/url]
10.I [img]link image[ / i m g ]
10.II [imga=alttext]link image[/img]
11. [quote]quotedtext[/quote]
12. [code]monospaced text[/code]
13. [size=15]largetext[/size]
14.I [color=red]redtext[/color]
14.II [color=#FF0000]redtext[/color]– Using hexadecimal value for color
Sumber : Mywapblog
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Unknown - Thursday, February 17, 2011
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